Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Memorize More than 100 Years

This is a simple calculation you can remember more than 100 years.
Please Follow Below Steps
I am giving for 1901-1999. But its very easy to convert result for 2001-2999.

Num1 - 144 025 036 146 *

Num2 - 28 56 84

Once you remember these it’s easy to calculate.

Step1: Calculating year number
Take Last two letters of year and subtract from any one of Num2's
(Lets say 1945 it is 45-28 = 17)
And Divide the num by four (I.e. 17/4 = 4).
Add the value to the number (I.e. 17 + 4 = 21)

Step2: Find the Corresponding number for months using Num1's.
( For Jan - 1, Feb-4..and so on)
For Example Nov is 4

Step3: Add all numbers including date
Ie: 21 + 4 + 2 (Date) = 27

Step4: try to remove 7's from the result.
Here we can remove three Sevens ie 6

Step5: 1-Sun, 2-Mon, 3-Tue, 4-Wed, 5-Thu, 6-Fri, 0-Sat.
So it is Friday

Important: For Leap Year we need to do some adjustment.
if It is leap year go ahead and find the result and if it is Jan or Feb just
decrease it by one that’s all for leap year adjustment.

Ex : 1975 Aug 15
Year Number: 75-56 = 19; 19 + 19/4 = 19 + 4 = 23
Month Number: = 3
Date: 15
Total = 23 + 3 + 15 = 41
Removing Seven's = 41 - 35 = 6
So Week is Friday

We will consider leap years:
Ex: 1976 Jan 5
Year Number: 76-56 = 20; 20 + 20/4 = 20 + 5 = 25
Month Number: = 1
Date: 5
Total : 31
Since it is Jan decrease it by One i.e. 30
New Total = 30
Removing Sevens = 30 - 28 = 2
It is Monday

Important: Years with last two digits zero, which are not
divisible by 400, are not Leap years.
Example: 2100,2200,2300 and 2500 are not leap years
i.e. February month has 28 days
2000and 2400 are leap years

Note: For 2001-2999 calculate using above procedure and in final result decrease one

* Its easy to remember if you r familiar with squares 12 Square ie., 144 , 5 square
is 25 , 6 square is 36 and last is 144 + 2 = 146

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